Every logistic professional needs an international online logistics tool that can be exemplary and help carry out daily businesses with ease. It’s beneficial for any upcoming business to adopt widely used and affordable technologies as it is more economical. Mobile phones are able to offer crucial services to any business from inventory tracking and shipments to the execution of procurement transactions.
Here are online trucking logistics and mobile applications that can be utilized by logistics professionals in supply chain management on a global basis.
This is a permanently connected mobile, on-board Warehouse Management Software (WMS) vehicle solution for the remote management of a dispersed workforce. The MobileControl software solution that forms part of Dovetail’s Business Solutions provides for on board vehicle scanning. It allows for near-real time tracking of collection and delivery processes and thereby streamlines dispatch management. Customers can be accurately and timeously updated on the status of their requests, as the collection and delivery is being affected by the driver. Ultimately through the MobileControl device you are able to remotely manage a dispersed, mobile work force, allowing more control.
Scandit Mobile Application Software
One of the top mobile online logistics tools utilized in international logistics is the Scandit Mobile Application Software. This is an advanced barcode scanner that is able to extend bar code scanning to technology savvy inventory managers. Unlike other scanners, this software can scan hard to reach barcodes with ease. It also enables data sharing across different facilities and networks online.
Easy Stock Mobile Application Software
This is a cloud based optimization tool for inventories. It systematically limits access from the warehouse locations to minimize cost while maximizing on the availability of highly profitable items. The Easy Stock Mobile Application Software helps managers plan the inventories, forecast and budget for available resources. A lot of logistics prefer integrating the purpose of this app with the automation of procurement and replenishment of other processes to raise profit margins.
Web Fleet Android Application
This is a mobile application suitable for keeping control of the daily operations of your workforce. It can be accessed through web browsing where logistics professionals are able to navigate their business in real-time from their phones or laptops wherever they are. The Web Fleet Android application assists in tracking daily operations at anytime to make certain there’s credibility of the workforce and efficiency in operations.
Service Max Mobile App
This app stands as one of the best and top selling apps in the field of service management. It integrates service contracts, management of orders, workforce optimization and the monitoring of social media customers. It builds and provides an end-to-end service organization view of your relationship with clients who help you analyze the quality of your services and the reaction of your consumer base. You are also able to improve through feedback received from social media.
The Co-Pilot Android Mobile App
This is a tool often used in international logistics. It offers mapping and direction routing and is able to facilitate navigation online by tracking your vehicle for efficiency. Through additional algorithms, it also helps truck drivers figure out which efficient routes to take and how to avoid obstacles and traffic that may cause delay. Such also aids in quick delivery which is always in the best interest of the business’ reputation. Lastly, the app also presents essential information of different navigation routes such as truck height and weight to ensure smooth navigation in desired routes.
Evernote Online Mobile Application
The final mobile application to consider is the Evernote Online Mobile Application rated highly by global professional logistics professionals. It organizes important files, documents and images and is widely known and used as an online filing and storage cabinet. The added advantage is that you can also record voice memos when away using an inbuilt video recording technology which helps managers track the success of the workforce remotely. File organization with this software is a given.
While we’re on the logistics digital subject, see the 7 Ways Cloud Technology Impacts Supply Chain Management!
Source: cerasis