Mobile Technology Trends To Keep Up Within Supply Chain

If ensuring on-time delivery does not top your priority list, you need to revisit it immediately. Frequent delivery delays and delivery errors can drive away even loyal customers. To better serve their customers, managers must focus on coming up with an action plan to streamline their supply chain. Supply chain managers around the world understand that an agile and lean supply chain is the need of the hour. An effective supply chain promotes business excellence, helping the business meet its milestones and goals. To build a smart supply chain, managers rely on mobile technologies.


Use of mobile technology in the supply chain


Over the past few years, smartphones have got smarter. It would be no exaggeration to say that modern mobile phones are mini computers. Modern devices have significant computing capability, can work in multi-tasking environments, and assure access to multiple network services. Modern mobile phones offer a range of multimedia functions and are equipped with built-in converters such as a gyroscope, accelerometer, and magnetometer.

Equipped with a range of features, smartphones can perform different tasks such as scanning RFID tags and barcodes, tracking shipments, and measuring performance. More businesses than ever before are using mobile technology in supply chain. Supply chain teams use smart apps to track their fleet. Thanks to the evolution of cloud computing, managers can now use their mobile devices to perform different tasks such as tracking shipments and viewing and editing invoices from any part of the world.

To streamline their distribution, many businesses use mobile epod software that can be installed on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. This software can help with vehicle inspections, customer surveys, deliveries, and task management. Mobile epod solutions are designed to provide an accurate proof of delivery and collection in real time. Mobile epod solutions can integrate with existing systems, helping your teams save time they previously had to invest in different tasks such as importing files.

In addition to providing proof of delivery, mobile epod solutions can help with route planning. In the warehouse, a mobile epod solution can be used for different tasks such as order picking and loading. Your mobile epod software can help automate delivery process, and improve productivity and customer experience.


Making a business case for mobile technology in supply chain


Many businesses are replacing bulky handheld scanners with lightweight mobile devices in their warehouses. Smartphones are equipped with a range of features that allow them to easily integrate with different systems. Still thinking what’s so great about mobile technology and why many businesses are adopting it to manage their supply chain? To answer this question, we have compiled a list of some substantial benefits of mobile technology. Take a look.


1. Real-time reporting

Mobile technology can help your teams communicate effectively. Adding mobile technology to your supply chain operations will be a blessing for your warehouse workers, drivers, and support team members who can use the technology to exchange information through messages, pictures, and video/audio clips. Mobile devices can be used for barcoding and labeling products. For improved reporting, these devices can be integrated with the business’s warehouse management system and ERP system.

Truck drivers too, can benefit immensely from mobile solutions. To help their drivers avoid delays, many businesses use a transport management system that helps drivers access their schedule and route changes in real-time, report information digitally, and capture signatures.


2. Improved asset tracking

Every business invests a substantial amount in acquiring and maintaining assets. Assets are mobile. To get the most out of their assets, manager businesses need to have an asset tracking strategy in place. Many businesses use mobile technology for asset tracking. Asset management teams use mobile devices for barcode scanning. These devices can be integrated with the business’s logistics system for real-time visibility.

These mobile solutions allow managers to access streaming data in real time, helping them take swift and better decisions. Thanks to the advanced capabilities of mobile devices, supply chain managers can take steps to maximize the allocation and improve productivity.


3. Enhanced business intelligence  

Mobile solutions can help collect strategic data that provides insights into different trends. Manager gets a bird’s eye view of the business’s supply chain network and operations. Mobile solutions provide real time updates, helping managers identify the concern areas that need their immediate attention.


Mobile technology trends to watch for


Wearable devices to go mainstream

Wearable devices used in supply chain are more sophisticated than your regular Apple smart watches and Bluetooth earpieces. Lately, many warehouses have started using wearable systems consisting of mobile computers,  headsets, barcode ring scanners, and software for voice-directed picking.

These solutions can help shorten the picking time by suggesting the best picking route. Advanced systems provide users hands-free access to barcode scanning, helping them save time and efforts. As technology improves, the cost of adopting these solutions will go down.


Artificial intelligence is here to stay

Future smartphones will use sophisticated sensors, data capturing systems, RFID, and video technologies to collect data. Next gen mobile phones will include sophisticated software that will be capable of converting big data into actionable insights. AI will play an important role in this process by automating processing, analysis, and interpretation of data.


More businesses to migrate to Android based solutions

Many businesses have already migrated from Windows-based solutions to user friendly Android based solutions. As Windows Embedded handheld operating system nears the end of its service life, other businesses will follow suit.


Mobiles to include blockchain apps

In the not so distant future, mobiles will include blockchain apps that will help perform a number of tasks such as recording the transfer of assets, tracking purchase orders, shipments, and other trade-related documents, linking items to serial numbers, and sharing information related to different processes.



 Get familiar with the Advantages of Mobile ePOD Software.






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