Business has started to reevaluate their cybersecurity measures as many have been vulnerable to cyber attacks. Organizations have too much data and information at stake and can’t just simply delete browsing history as many would prefer. Securing your business is not as complicated as assumed but is an occurrence that needs to take place on a regular basis to make sure that viruses don’t hit systems. Let’s look at the five tips to help keep your online security strong:
Utilize A Reputable Anti-virus Program
Ensure that your company has a reputable and effective anti-virus software program on all computers as well as on your mobile devices. A strong anti-virus program has the ability to find anything and everything as they actively monitor your computer and phone’s activity while they are on.
To save on cost, there are several programs that are free that you can choose from. There are also paid programs that run on payment plans which you can choose from according to your needs. AVG Anti-Virus and Norton are the most preferred and first options selected by companies. Collaborate with your IT department and get an opinion from them first before downloading a program because they are in charge of your technological sphere.
Complete A Full Computer Scan
Many anti-virus software programs offer the option of performing a quick or full scan of your computer. The former may seem as the better choice as it is fast and easy but for a thorough scan, select the full scan. A full scan will take longer to complete but the software will do a careful and complete search of your hard drive for potential viruses or malware. Schedule daily or weekly full scans on evenings when computers will be on but inactive.
It is advised that you have multiple backups of everything that is on all your desktops so that should anything happen and some of your files are wiped out, you have a backup readily available for use.
One option that is a brilliant backup method is a storing data on an external hard drive. This alternative avoids the chances of being corrupted or affected as it’s not part of the internal hard drive. Additionally, an offsite data storage and backup service with companies that deal with such offerings is also advisable-this is in the event that your external hard drives or other storage systems becoming unreliable.
Be Password Aggressive
Easy passwords make you susceptible to hacking and your system can be attacked at any time. To avoid this, use passwords that contain a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and special characters. Many passwords contain up to 15 characters. Avoid using obvious combinations such as your children or pets’ names, birth dates and addresses. Remember to also shy away from using the same password for more than one account and make it a point to change it every two to three weeks. As keeping track of all your passwords can get tedious, complicated and confusing, make use of password management services and keepers such as Dashlane. This service also logs into portals automatically for you so that you don’t have to remember any password.
Always Maintain A Watchful Eye
Keep an open communication line with your employees and let them know of any current threats from outside so that they are careful of any suspicious emails or websites they visit. Always maintain a watchful eye and have a solid plan in place to deal with potential impacts of a major cyber attack. Preparing, communicating and implementing a strategy with all your staff and employees for the cyber security of your supply chain. Ensure that everyone understands what’s going on and that due diligence takes place. Cyber threats can cause major irreversible damage to your supply chain operations, data and finances. So get everyone involved and take necessary steps to secure your data as it’s the only way forward in the digital economy we find ourselves in.
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