According to the EY Africa Attractiveness Survey of 2013 the transport and logistics sectors account for 42% of Africa’s infrastructure projects up to February 2013 and 41,5% of all capital invested into the continent. Africa is a developing continent and is turning into an investment hub for first world countries.
Owing to these opportunities, major possibilities for growth await the South African logistics industry which can apply its own technological advances to African investment projects. Logistics software is crucial to project success and plays an important role in ensuring that the materials needed for project implementation reach their destination.
As projects are realised and businesses in the African spehere begin to grow and advance, more opportunities for warehouse software, transport software and container software will result, providing logistics management providers with the opportunity to, not only, assist in growing their African economy but assisting in building a resilient supply chain for the African continent.
What is Required in Southern Africa for Logistics Management Success?
Ultimately southern Africa requires a dependable break bulk, express road freight service , underpinned by an established infrastructure, world class I.T systems and an entrepreneurial culture.
IT plays a crucial role in ensuring that Southern Africa is able to implement and deploy advanced technological processes for supply chain optimisation.
South Africa has made great advancements with regard to supply chain resilience and comprises world class fleet management software as well as warehousing and administration software which automates manual processes, thereby increasing efficiencies, upskilling staff and increasing opportunities for global trade.
Many local companies are moving into the African continent to take hold of opportunities for growth and ensure that they will be able to take hold of the increased needs for logistics services.
Dovetail’s Joint Venture into Africa
Dovetail Business Solutions assisted its client Triton Express to move its transport and courier services into the African region. To see a presentation on how the Joint Venture enabled the successful establishment of Triton Express across Africa and the role that logistics software played, view the presentation here.